Serendipity Shih Tzu

Female Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale


Price: $2,500
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 10/16/24

3 Female Puppies

Price: $2,800
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 11/08/24
Weights at Maturity 7-9 lbs

Previously Adopted Puppies

Baby Hope

A small brown and white puppy with fluffy fur is being held up by a person’s hand in a grassy outdoor setting.
Sex: Female
will be under 4lbs

Previously Adopted Puppies


A small black and white dog sits in a large, American flag-themed teacup with a soft blanket inside.
A small black and white puppy lies on a tan textured blanket.
Sex: Female
Tiny girl will be 3.5 # full grown